Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 18th- 22nd

Multiple intelligence 

At the start of the year we did a survey to find out our M.I. We had to answer different questions to find out what type of learner or intelligence we had.
We then made a classroom brain out of plasticine. Each student was given some plasticine to roll out and shape into one classroom brain. After the brain was complete, we wrote down our M.I. on a little tag to to stick it in the brain. We can use the brain to find out which students to go to for help. This creates a classroom community, where we can use the strengths of others for support. 

Science project 

In science we are learning about habitats and communities of all living things.
This week we did a poster on Canadian animals. Each student was randomly given a Canadian animal. They then had to make a poster about the animal by following criteria given. Before we started the poster we had to make a plan. They are on display in the classroom.

Art fauvism

We started an art project! We studied the art style that began in France in 1898 known as Fauvism. This style uses pure colours and strong brushstrokes. Together, the brushstrokes and colours evoke strong sensations and emotions to viewers.

We used markers to do this project. We worked with colours like red, orange,green, yellow and blue. We also traced our outlines in black.
We choose a landscape portrait and created an art piece based on the fauvism style.

Math centres

We did math centres this week. There were 9 different centres in the class. We spent 10min. at each centre. The math centres were a lot of fun!

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